The holiday decorating continues to the foyer... Since we have spent the past four Christmases in four different homes, the task of decorating has been a much greater process this year. First, there is the challenge of not knowing where things should go and having to repurpose or rethink their past use for a new location. Next, we have the issue of time. As we removed bin after bin and box after box out of the shed my husband could only say, "another one?". So many bins full of items that we have accumulated over time (why can we not seem to throw away even one ornament?! Old, broken and reflecting the taste of years that we are glad have passed and yet we keep it). With so many different locations over the years, what were once clean, organized, bins, have become tangled piles of chaos. So not only am I decorating and re-DESIGN-ing, but purging as well.
With a new home we would love a new selection of holiday decor, but with REAL budgets, we are forced to reinvent and recreate... We must re-DESIGN our REAL-ity.
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